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【 IReNe-AFF Database 】 Database of Intellectual Resources and Needs for international cooperation


IReNe-AFF (Database of Intellectual Resources and Needs in areas of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) has been developed to promote international cooperation in the field of agricultural education between Japan and developing countries. The database contains the intellectual resources of universities and research institutions of Japan, which could be used for “international cooperation” and intellectual needs existing in those of developing countries. International Cooperation Center for Agricultural Education (ICCAE), Nagoya University in collaboration with the Institute of Tropical Agriculture (ITA) and the Asia Center, Kyushu University developed the database in 2007 under the support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan. The IReNe-AFF is still under operation.

The database contains currently 330 intellectual resources of Japan, that were collected in 2007 through the web survey system.  It is our great pleasure to provide the database for your use and we hope you could cooperate with us to add the new data for intellectual resources and needs for international cooperation ( 

 IReNe-AFF Database・2007

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Category: Activities |Update: Jul 15, 2011